vegetative nucleus
- 营养核

Pollination is in 3 - cell period including a vegetative nucleus and the two sperm cells .
Embryogenic pollen was formed by repeated divisions of the vegetative nucleus .
Positional shift between the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell in Amaryllis pollen tube
Vegetative nucleus shows irregular form . the microspores complete the mitosis and generate double-nucleus pollen ;
10.It is after the formation of sperm cells that the vegetative nucleus degenerates seriously .
After entering the pollen tube , the generative cell approached the vegetative nucleus before long and sticked each other .
Applying the Laser Microbeam Technique to the Study of the Vegetative Nucleus Function on Division of the Generative Cell in the Development of the Male Gametophyte of Clivia nobilis
Cytoplasmic strand splits before or after the displacing of the vegetative nucleus . Cytoplasm shrink to the two poles , so that the strand disappears gradually .
The intensity of colour in generative nucleus by using Feulgen reaction was deeper than vegetative nucleus and two sperms forming later . The generative cell and vegetative nucleus gave a positive reaction to PAS stain .